In many ministry circles that's an average stint. At South Main, however, it's only a drop in the bucket, as both of my predecessors Thomas Coker and Thad Roberts combined served almost 60 years.
What this 5-year recognition offers is a moment to think back to what we've experienced together. We saw the building and installation of a new organ and renovation of a gorgeous Sanctuary building. We continue to enjoy the tradition of summer musicals at South Main like Oklahoma and you learned that a Minister of Music can actually fly as Bert in Mary Poppins.
We've taken youth choirs on mission tours to Charleston, New Orleans and Peru. Our Sanctuary Choir has sung at the National Cathedral and toured the British Isles. And as beautiful, memorable, and picturesque as all the above have been, it's the friendships we've established that capture our hearts.
We've shared music to celebrate new life and to mourn the loss of loved ones. You've lovingly taught our children the endless love and grace of our Lord. You have been the hands and feet of Christ to Janet and me in one of the hardest years of our lives following Harvey.
These and the countless transcendent moments in worship compel us to offer prayers of thanksgiving for this family of faith. 5 years—and many more to come.