Peace, I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27)
I remember as a child getting lots of cuts and scrapes, being the youngest of three boys and always up to something. Whenever I would come inside to get them taken care of by my mom, she would comfort me. "Here, lay your hand here on the counter. Let's put some monkey blood (Mercurochrome) on it to make it better." Then she would put a Band-Aid on it and send me off to play again.
As an active teenager, when playing street football and falling on the asphalt, I would inevitably scrape an elbow or knee. Instead of running inside to Mom, I would just spit in my hand, grab some dirt, and mix the two on the scrape to make it better. A teammate would ask, "Hey, Gordan, you ok?" I would usually respond, "Yep, I'm good."
Now that I am older, my boo-boos are bigger, Mom is not around, and dirt/spit won't do. Money, relationships, jobs, and illnesses need "bigger and better" solutions when we are troubled and afraid. Currently, cancer is my boo-boo. Even knowing that I live in the best town for cancer treatment, hearing a cancer diagnosis still shook me to my core.
Having a loving, supportive wife and family along with so many prayer warriors on my side helps, but it is Him I truly lean on. I try to lay my worries and concerns at His feet so His peace can overwhelm me. He made me, He knows my very being so I just need to lean into His "peace that passes all understanding." (Philippians 4:7)
My hope for you is that you come to know His peace and it covers all your "boo-boos."