The True Light of the World

Published December 8, 2017 by Angela Spoede

In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it... The true light that gives life to everyone was coming into the world. — John 1:4-5, 9

For me, it is always the coming of the light that signals the start of Advent. The Christmas season truly begins as I set the lights on our tree and listen to my kids negotiate over who will put the star on top and who will light the lights for the first time. We bask in the wonder felt only in this season of bright Christmas displays. And every Christmas Eve, for years, our family attended a candlelight service where we gathered with believers to reread the Christmas story and pass the light from our own candles to those of family, friends, and even strangers. All of those lights—from the star shining on top of our tree to the candles glowing and burning in our hands—remind us of the true miracle of the season of Advent.

It's no coincidence that we celebrate Christmas during the long, cold, dark of winter. This year has seemed especially bleak, but this season reminds us that the light of Christ cannot be overcome by darkness. The life that was the Light of all Mankind is still the gift the world needs most. As followers of Jesus, we are the ones filled with His light, and we must spread it from one heart to another, like a flame passing from candle to candle.

So celebrate Advent with lights—with twinkling lights adorning rooftops and trees, with glowing warmth from candles filling the room as you gather with loved ones, and with shining stars piercing the darkness from atop our trees, pointing toward Christ, like the Star of Bethlehem did for the first time more than two thousand years ago.

Father of Heavenly Lights, let every light I see this Advent season remind me of your most good and perfect gift, Jesus Christ. Use me to bring your light into a world sorely in need of the True Light that gives life to everyone. Amen.

Angela Spoede joined SMBC in April 2017 and volunteers for preschool Sunday School. She is married to J.T. and is mom to Vivian (12), Zane (7), and Phoebe (5).