Thank you, Andrea Hoxie for the gift of this song to our congregation!
Alleluia for the Acts
The Spirit came and fell on men
And then He stayed to dwell in them.
The church was born with so much great excitement so many heard and they believed
But there was one who could not conceive
How Christ could be Messiah — Alleluia!
He put to death those of the way
Created martyrs in that fray
They followed Christ's example and sacrificed
But then one day Saul fell on earth
And he was raised with a new birth
He gave his life to Christ — Oh, alleluia!
How many are there still to go
Who for themselves they do not know
The wondrous love of Christ in their hearts?
Take heed, my brothers, my sisters, how
The work we must continue now
To spread the saving good news — Alleluia!
Love and care are our sacred vow.
We call each other family now.
"The family of God in this place,"
The need you have is ours to fill.
When you're all done and lacking still
We'll do our part to help you — Alleluia!
The church goes on in us today,
A beacon light to shine the way.
For those who have no Savior to trust in,
We speak of abundant, saving grace,
Reserved for all the human race.
We want each one to know Him — Alleluia!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts.
We bring our tithes and offerings to He
Who supplies our every need.
Father, Son and Holy Ghost — Oh, praise Him!
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, amen.
© May 30, 2018, Andrea Hoxie. All rights reserved.