Your South Main Communications Team is excited to tell you about some things we've been working on the last few months. We have dreamed, studied, debated, researched, and planned to discover improved ways to communicate with our church family. Here is the new weekly rhythm for our churchwide communication:
We believe if each of us worships, discovers, and shares each week, we will grow as disciples of Christ. The purpose of the Worship, Discover, Share email has been to provide specific opportunities for that growth. That purpose is not changing, but the timing of the email is adjusting by one day. Look for the Worship, Discover, Share email to hit your inbox early Monday mornings to give you time to incorporate worshiping, discovering, and sharing into your week.
On Wednesdays, you will receive an e-newsletter called Connections. This resource will provide all you need to know about the upcoming Sunday's worship, current emphases or campaigns, missions blogs, Midtown Music Concert Series details, Family Ministry highlights, calendar items, and much more. Besides being an efficient way to find news in one place, this newsletter will provide links to our website where even more information can be found.
Around campus, Opportunities, our hard copy newsletter will continue to keep us informed. Only now, we plan on Wednesday AND Sunday editions so you get the most up-to-date information possible. Look for this communication piece on the tables in Fellowship Hall, in the Welcome Center, and in all discipleship spaces.
Lastly, as we focus on preserving and sharing the stories of our congregation, we are thrilled to introduce a brand new piece of our communication plan. South Main Baptist Church's magazine, The Fount, will be published at least once a quarter and will contain articles from our ministers and lay members alike on topics such as Midtown Development, special missions stories, tidbits of our church's history, and innovative initiatives from our newest Minister for Discipleship, Matt Walton. If you have ideas for content for The Fount, contact me.
As always, the church website is the hub of information and a tool for sharing this great congregation with your friends, family, and coworkers.
March is the transition month to our new rhythm of communication. Our goal as a Communications Team is to facilitate opportunities for worshiping, discovering, and sharing (growing as a disciple of Christ) by using clear, accurate, engaging, and inspirational communication. We believe this plan for 2019 will accomplish our goal.