In all honesty, until my mid-twenties, God was always something easy for me to "find." I grew up with a family whose priorities were always God and our church family before all else. My grandpa founded the church I grew up in, and the first week of college I found the perfect church for me away from home. My church family was always something that was there and a constant reminder of God in my daily life.
Fast-forward to graduating college and finding South Main. I instantly was drawn into the welcoming environment and beautiful space that greeted me. Go forward two years that involved a job change, grad school while working full-time and meeting my future husband: suddenly I got to a place where I didn't seem to "feel" God in my daily life as I had so constantly before.
What always seemed like a constant in my life, I realized, seemed to be slipping. While it took some time to recognize and realign my focus, I quickly realized that attending church each week kept me involved, but I wasn't becoming a 2 AM friend to those in my community. I began to actively look for ways to get more involved with South Main and the Young Pros community and soon realized how real God could seem in my life. For the first time in my life, the past few years have truly seemed like my relationship with God has become my own and finding him in the good times and bad has seemed much easier with my growing community of South Main around me.