Throughout the Bible are many instances where God was revealed to individuals. One of my favorites is told in 1 Kings 19. Elijah, a powerful prophet, was afraid and depressed. He went out into the desert alone, wanting to die.
An angel came to him in a vision with instructions to go up on Mt. Sinai to wait for the Lord. There was a powerful wind, an earthquake, and a fire—all revealing the awesome power of nature. God was in none of them.
Then came a gentle whisper... and Elijah heard God in the quiet of the whisper.
I suppose we all feel a little like Elijah sometimes. How can we find God's presence in those low times?
For me, He comes in the beauty of Creation. Sitting at my breakfast table (my prayer place), I have a good view of my backyard where different plants attract various wildlife. Birds gobbling berries or foraging for seeds and worms. Butterflies and bees sipping nectar and gathering pollen. Squirrels scurrying and doing their squirrely antics. An occasional bunny or possum adding a burst of joy to my spirit!
These are things that whisper peace to me... and God is there.