The ministry efforts of Operación San Andrés (OSA) in Peru are built on the four pillars of Family, Education, Church, and Service. Within these pillars, educational enrichment of children and youth remains at the core of OSA's mission to alleviate the effects of poverty in Peru by transforming families through the love of Christ. For the past several months, as the effects of the global pandemic have lessened, children have returned to in-person programs for academic and emotional enrichment and a nutritious lunch at OSA House each day of the school week.
OSA also gives assistance to youth who have graduated from high school. Since 2017, OSA has paid the college tuition and fees each year for 5 to 8 youth in Collique who have grown up around OSA. Click here to read about how OSA has been assisting Rivaldo, Marcielo, Bryan, Lidsay, and Milagros with their educational endeavors and their faith development.