I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet. So you also should wash one another's feet. I have given you an example. You should do as I have done for you. – John 13:14-15
I am a pharmacist and dispense medications while I am here in Peru. That is my job, my worldly task. I have recently also come to the understanding that this is my "vehicle."
I am not the most outgoing individual. It is difficult for me to share my testimony or even be openly religious. But here, as I hand out the medications and counsel the patients how to take them, I can see Jesus in their eyes. While serving as a pharmacist, I am serving my brothers and sisters in Christ. And in doing so I am receiving the love of Christ as well. God has used my skills as a pharmacist to allow me to share His love in a way that I am most capable of reaching many. It's not about how many medications I dispense or even if I am able to communicate successfully how to take them. That is important on a worldly level. But on a spiritual level, It is more about how I use this as my vehicle to serve other people's spiritual needs—and mine.
There are many more patients to serve, many more houses to build, many more worldly needs that we will never fulfill, no matter how many times we return. But that's not what we are called here for. We are here to be the hands and feet of the Lord. We are here to serve the spiritual needs and in turn receive His love. Unlike the worldly needs, the spiritual needs are multiplied exponentially. As we serve, the love of the Lord is felt by us and by those we serve. And they in turn pass it on to others.
Jesus wants us to do for others as He has done for us. I am still trying to determine what my vehicle is at home. Here it is clear to me, and I strive to carry that back with me and continue to be the Hands and Feet of the Lord. The worldly tasks seem to overshadow the spiritual needs. But I continue to strive to be a good servant in all that I do.
What is your vehicle? How do you serve others, share the love of the Lord, and fulfill spiritual needs in your worldly tasks?
Patti Penmann Romeril is the director of clinical pharmacy for Memorial Hermann. She has been coming to Collique with OSA since 2004.