A group of players mentioned in our Christmas songs but often overlooked in our memories of Christmas are the animals:
“The cattle are looing-the baby awakes…”
“The ox and lamb kept time, pa rum pum pum pum,”
“Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer, had a very shiny nose.”
During the years our kids were teenagers a decision was made to start including our family pet, Brutus, our male Boxer, in our family Christmas celebration. Actually, it was not a “we” decision, it was a “me” decision. I decided to surprise the family by adding Brutus to our Christmas festivities. Our Christmas family tradition was for the four of us to gather on Christmas Eve, read the Christmas story (a tradition Mary’s mother had established in their home growing up), then open the presents we had selected for each other. After the presents, we would go out to eat then to our church for the 11:00 PM candlelight service.
It was decided that Brutus would make his appearance when gifts were being exchanged. So, on the appointed Christmas Eve before gift exchanging began, I slipped out and prepared Brutus for his big appearance. On cue during the exchange, I called for Brutus and out he came wearing a red and green set of reindeer antlers and sporting a single sleigh bell attached to his bobbed tail. Like most dogs when Brutus was excited, he wagged his tail, so his appearance was accompanied by the ringing sleigh bell. And he was pulling a wagon that bore on it a new wooden treasure box that was Brutus’s gift to Mary-actually it was a gift from all of us to Mary. When Brutus appeared I said, “Well, here comes Santa Paws!!”
Brutus was a smash hit as Santa Paws. As subsequent Christmases approached, the kids would ask, “Is Santa Paws going to come?” Also, at subsequent Christmases under the Christmas tree, presents would appear that were addressed “To Meredith” or “To Nathan” or “To Mom” from Santa Paws. And, of course, there would be gifts addressed to Brutus.
Brutus never had to worry about doing his Christmas shopping each year. The gift he gave us as Santa Paws was more than enough.
And the gift of God’s Son we receive each Christmas of God’s Son is more than enough.
— Mike Stedham