
Hosted on-campus at South Main, Manna is a ministry devoted to building a strong community among our neighbors who are either unhoused, in a treatment facility, or in transitional housing.

Sunday Mornings

We begin each week with worship. Our Manna participants meet on Sunday morning in our outdoor Trinity Pines Chapel. For many, this is the primary time to be in community. We share a cup of coffee and a bite to eat. Our lay leaders and ministers offer a devotional word at which point we pray for each other, offering our concerns and our praises for the sustaining work God is doing in our lives.

Manna Chess Club

Manna and the community it represents also meet on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesday evenings of each month in what has become known as the Manna Chess Club. This is a time and place where friendships are built and sustained over food, fellowship, a spiritual lesson, and a simple game of chess. Some come for the chess, others for a home-cooked meal, but all come to be part of a community.

Manna Events

Manna has two big events each year. Around Thanksgiving, South Main invites those who live outdoors to come inside. We sit together as a family, sharing fellowship over a warm, homemade Thanksgiving meal. The second event is called the Manna Chili Bowl, a potluck chili extravaganza that coincides with the Super Bowl. We invite those in our neighborhood without access to television to come share a meal while we simply enjoy watching the big game and being friends.