Pre-K – 4th Grade
At this stage in life, engaging a child's interests, forming friendships, and discovering God’s character through the Bible and experiences with God’s family are the things that matter most. Minister to Children Alyssa Carter knows that at this stage in life MainKids are literal and linear thinkers that love to play games, make music, move, create art and learn new things. Everything we do revolves around these fundamental tenets.
We strive to instill these basic truths:
- We are all made in God’s image.
- Jesus is human, divine, and our rescuer.
- The Church is made of people who love Jesus.
- The Bible tells one big story – God made it, we broke it, Jesus fixes it.
Our goal is for MainKids to remember foundational biblical facts and stories and key church traditions. Every week we give them opportunities to earnestly worship, discover the big narrative of the Bible by navigating the Bible and their musical gifts, and share who they are and what they have.
No matter the day or the program, dedicated teachers welcome kids by name, connect with them, and help connect them to Jesus because we believe there is no ministry without relationship.
Safety is one of our core values throughout the Family Ministry which we hope is apparent in all that we do. Every teacher has passed a background check and receives annual training on our Child Protection Policy.
Before Your First Visit
- If your child will be joining us for Sunday School or Little Church, they must be checked in prior to drop off. To make the check-in process easier, complete this form before your first visit.
- Park in the front parking lot and enter through the Welcome Center. Go around the main staircase to the right to the hallway on the first floor to reach the check-in station where a member of the Family Ministry team will greet you.
- If you have any questions or would like a tour, please contact Alyssa for more information.
Sunday Mornings
Pre-K and Kindergarteners
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Childcare |
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM | Bible Times and Small Group Bible Study |
1st and 2nd Graders
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Little Church |
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM | Worship, Discover, Share Club |
3rd and 4th Graders
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Worship in Sanctuary with their families |
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM | Worship, Discover, Share Club |
Frequently Asked Questions
What safety measures are in place at drop off and pickup?
All children must be checked in and receive a security sticker with a corresponding guardian receipt before they can be dropped off. Children will only be released to an adult who presents the corresponding guardian receipt (physical or photo).
What is Little Church?
Little Church is a very special worship service for our 1st and 2nd graders. Each Sunday in Little Church, MainKids lead in a 30-minute service which parallels “big church” worship with hymns, special music, a teeny-tiny sermon, an offering, and doxology. Here children explore and learn the elements of worship.
What is Worship Discover Share (WDS) Club?
The Worship Discover Share Club (our take on Sunday School) has all the fun and energy of Vacation Bible School every week with really thoughtful and engaging ways to remember Bible stories with drills, memory work, hymns, music and dancing, games, and activities all very intentionally cultivated for MainKids.
What does Wednesday night programming look like?
During the school year on Wednesday evenings, kids can have dinner together with their families in the Fellowship Hall, and then ring hand chimes or handbells, sing in graded choirs, and experience fellowship and fun—all while discovering more about a God who loves them more than they can imagine.