Local Partners

South Main Baptist Church is located in the heart of one of the most dynamic cities in the United States. We are part of where we are, and we are committed to responding to the ever-changing needs of the city of Houston.

South Main actively partners with effective organizations on the front lines of serving our community which share with us the hope of making our electric city shine even more brightly. Many of our church members’ hours and a sizable portion of our budget support the following organizations.

Sojourn House (part of InSpirit Patient Housing)

The Sojourn House apartment ministry was founded at South Main to address the high cost of housing while patients and their families remain in Houston during their medical treatment at the largest medical center in the country. In addition to offering affordable lodging, Sojourn House friends care for guest families with prayer support, a listening ear, local knowledge, and other help. InSpirit Patient Housing is a cooperative organization that combines the efforts of Sojourn House with similar ministries at other churches across the Houston area. You can make a gift to help pay rent for Sojourn House apartments through our Giving portal.

Emergency Aid Coalition

The Houston Emergency Aid Coalition is a cooperative group of local churches and organizations focused on supporting the working poor through food distribution and counseling programs.

SEARCH Homeless Services

Located in Midtown Houston, our ministry partner SEARCH Homeless Services works to make homelessness infrequent and impermanent by helping the unhoused find permanent housing.

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

Catholic Charities is one of Houston’s largest refugee resettlement agencies. South Main partners with Catholic Charities to welcome newcomers to the U.S.A. as some of our newest neighbors.


Gracewood is a ministry based in west Houston that provides hope to single moms and their children through housing, financial literacy, and support counseling.

The Beacon

The Beacon provides support for a front-line mission addressing the most basic needs of emergency shelter and food for unhoused populations in Houston.

Amazing Place

Amazing Place is a faith-based nonprofit supporting people impacted by dementia. Among other services, they provide FaithCare Connection, which works alongside South Main's pastoral care team to reach individuals who live alone and may be at risk for cognitive or other changes due to aging.

MacGregor Elementary Aid to Students, Families, and Teachers

South Main values public education as a fundamental means for a family to develop life long opportunities. Since 2017 South Main has partnered with our local elementary school, MacGregor Elementary, to support their students, families and teachers in an effort to make sure we all have access to a good educational environment and the opportunities that may bring.

Houston Area Baptist Student Ministries

South Main supports and partners with Houston-area BSM groups to provide support for ongoing work ministering to college students at universities and community colleges across the greater Houston area.