A Systematic Plan
The Bible tells us story after story reflecting about how sharing creates beauty and hope, and how obedience and sacrifice is at the core of our faith.
Giving—and systematic giving in particular—focuses our hearts and minds on what is most important in our lives. It helps us prioritize. It clarifies our values. It promotes a better understanding of the blessings in our lives.
Practically speaking, regularly scheduled giving to one’s church also allows the church to plan more effectively, leveling out cash flow so that our ministers and lay leaders can confidently implement the ministry plans of the church envisioned in the annual budget.
Ways to Give
There’s a way for every giver to give.
- In worship: Bring cash or a check to worship and place it in the offering plate.
- At your computer or tablet: Give online by transferring cash or charging a credit card.
- From your smartphone: Send a text message to (713) 999-4142 and follow the prompts.
- With recurring automatic payments: Go online and set a day each week or month to give automatically by credit card or debit card.
- Bank auto-draft: You can auto-draft a specified amount each month from your bank account. Submit your banking information securely online using the Auto-Draft Authorization form below.
- With non-cash or legacy gifts: Contact the church office to explore these options confidentially.
Growing Your Generosity
This year, we have asked each South Main member where they are in their discipleship journey with reference to giving to the church. We’ve encouraged one another to first Get on Board, giving to the church if you’ve not yet done so. The next step in the journey is to Set It Up, systemizing your giving through auto-draft. It’s important to Round Up, as you move towards the Scriptural standard of tithing, to Strive to Tithe. Finally, some might be able to give Over and Above a tithe. Growing Your Generosity is the theme of our 2024 pledge campaign. Pledge cards will be available online and around the campus. In addition to letting the church office know the amount of your 2025 pledge, you’ll have the opportunity to let the church know if you’ve taken a step forward by turning in a ”Growing Your Generosity” card. The Growing Your Generosity campaign begins on October 13 and concludes on October 27. During this time, fill out a pledge card digitally or find one on campus, then fill it in. If you are not pledging online, simply drop your card in the offering plate or bring it to the church office. As we each grow in our generosity, together we will advance our discipleship.