8th – 12th Graders
Mobilizing each teen's potential—through service, with a support network of peers and faithful adult leaders, and in a space where questions and conversation are welcome—is the most important goal at this stage. We know youth are resilient individuals who seek to engage, belong, and contribute. Amy Brown, Minister to Youth, and trusted adult leaders consistently show up to help build deeper connections among each other and with mentors who will be there for them consistently—not just on Sundays but also on their good days and hard days ahead.
We strive to instill these basic truths:
- God created me with a purpose.
- Jesus loves me—always.
- The Church and I can live righteously and bring justice.
- The Bible always provides reliable navigation for my life.
Before Your First Visit
- Our Youth meet for Sunday School in the Youth Center, located on Colquitt Street across the street from the Sanctuary. If you park in the front parking lot and enter through the Welcome Center, one of our greeters will be happy to give you directions to the Youth Center.
- If you have any questions or would like a tour, please contact Amy for more information.
Sunday Mornings
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Worship in Sanctuary with their families |
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM | Large and Small Group Bible Study |
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens during Bible Study?
During Sunday Bible Study, Youth personalize their faith through interpreting the Bible, discovering and cultivating their gifts and passions, and applying all of this in their lives, our community, and beyond so that ultimately they are mobilized to claim an authentic and lasting faith in Christ.
Is there Wednesday night programming for Youth?
On Wednesday evenings during the school year, Youth choir and handbells foster not only musical ability but also leadership and an appreciation for worship.
What else does the Youth group do?
Other activities, such as retreats and summer trips, give Youth more time together, away from their normal routines, and an opportunity to experience the richness and assets in poverty-stricken communities and humbly serve with the community in the name of Biblical justice.