Baptist Partners

It’s critical to have outside help in doing effective mission work. Through our cooperation with state, regional, and national denominational partners, our work and our dollars are amplified.

In being part of such networks, we also benefit from the expertise, the passion, and the practical experience of others in a way that makes a tangible difference on the ground. We give generously toward and participate robustly with the energetic work of our Baptist colleagues in these organizations in a way that extends the reach of our efforts and our congregation’s generosity.

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

The CBF is our national Baptist alliance working to develop strong, healthy Baptist churches that can and will come together to minister locally, nationally, and internationally to rebuild God’s Kingdom.

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Texas

The CBF of Texas ministers to Baptist churches by providing pastoral guidance to CBF pastors and their laity throughout Texas.

Baptist General Convention of Texas

The BGCT partners with Baptists all over the state to address issues that are widespread concerns.

George W. Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University

South Main provides funding for divinity school students at Truett Seminary as they work towards becoming well rounded pastors in churches throughout the region and the country.

Union Baptist Association – Houston

UBA–Houston is our local alliance of Baptist churches and organizations coming together to do Kingdom work across Houston.

Fellowship Southwest

Fellowship Southwest is our regional partner working both on the front lines and doing advocacy work throughout the Southwest United States.