Hoping of Being a Steady Source

Published September 25, 2024 by Kathy Bernal

It is sometimes difficult for me to put into words exactly what it means to be a deacon at South Main Baptist Church and why it is so impactful. I recently had the privilege of attending a celebration of life for one of our most beloved deacons. As I listened to the stories and defining moments of her life told by family and friends, I realized that she was the living embodiment of what I sometimes find hard to define. I would like to share just a few of the words used to describe this incredible woman: ministerial, a true servant’s heart, committed, a singer, served faithfully, chaired, planned, organized, coordinated, inspiring, sweet, relentless spirit, instrumental part of, worked tirelessly, ordained, and devoted. Sometimes a word is better defined by example, and she was that example.

It is the opportunity to serve alongside her and other devoted members of our church family that makes being a deacon at South Main so meaningful. We as a diaconate learn from each other, support and guide each other, and grow together in our faith. We embrace the challenge of providing guidance and leadership to the congregation in important decisions impacting not only our church but our mission partners throughout the world. Deacons ask the tough questions, yet always strive to answer with humility and grace. We share the hope of being a steady source of calmness and light to all who need it. It is through our shared intentions and actions that we find the deeper meaning of our role in the church.

As I come to the completion of my tenure as Deacon Chair, I am humbled by all that I have learned from the diaconate. Through their words and actions they expanded my knowledge and commitment to selflessness, service, and church family. I pray that I have served them well and that I will be a role model for others as they have been for me.