Never-ending Energy

Published July 17, 2024 by Carleigh Nickel
The 527 Tribe Mission Trip

I never thought I would be a counselor. I’m more of a hands-on person, very work-focused and independent. So when I was asked to be a leader for the Tribe trip, I was nervous. As an original Triber who experienced my first mission trip as a 5th grader, I understood how impactful this trip could be for them. I would say my main worry was the kids not liking me, not respecting me, and just overall not wanting anything to do with me. But it was the exact opposite. The kids were so welcoming and eager to get to know me. They asked me all sorts of questions, invited me to play games with them, and wanted me to teach them all the bracelet-making techniques I knew. Every night I would spend hours doing most of the girls’ hair getting to talk to them about anything and everything. The boys always wanted me to play card games or jackpots with them.

While I loved getting to know and bond with the kids, the trip wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Being on the leadership side of a mission trip is hard, even as a youth leader. As a leader, you are constantly thinking of 10 different aspects of one activity while simultaneously doing another one, all while still trying to create a plan for tomorrow. It’s not easy. From the moment I woke up, to the second I fell asleep, my thoughts were focused on what was safe for the kids. What was going to keep them entertained? Who do I need to pay close attention to? Am I prepared to answer all of their questions? It can be utterly exhausting, there were moments when I just wanted to tune everything out.

But even with the exhausting days, and never-ending energy from the kids, it was incredible. My favorite part of the trip was when we hosted the carnival, and I got to see the kids interact with the town. Watching them play, create, and celebrate with people they had only known for a few minutes felt so special. Seeing them grow and learn so much about their faith and what they can do with it was marvelous. I was impressed by how insightful they were, and how well they grasped the harsher topics like poverty and racism. Overall I really enjoyed my time with the 527 Tribe. It was an experience I deeply appreciate and will never forget.