At South Main our baptismal profession, “Jesus is Lord,” is both a public declaration that we have entrusted our lives to Jesus as our Savior and an acknowledgment that we belong to a family of faith with whom we will continue to grow as disciples. South Main’s New Member Orientation is designed to help new members begin to walk the pathway of discipleship as a fully-connected part of the family of God in this place. This process allows us to put into practice the promise we speak to all new members: “We hope to learn from you, give to you, and receive from you, by God’s grace.” So, New Member Orientation is designed around discussion of South Main’s vision and rhythm of life, learning our shared faith stories, and modeling community around the table.
A significant part of becoming a new member of South Main involves learning our shared faith history and our family stories. During New Member Orientation we take a campus tour, facilitated by Brad Jernberg. Brad does a masterful job of sharing our church history, pointing out unique aspects of our architecture, and telling stories of our people and seasons in our church’s life as we move from the Sanctuary to the choir rehearsal space, up behind the organ pipes, down to Westmoreland Chapel, and back to Turner Fellowship Hall. The most beautiful aspect of this tour occurs in the lives of our new members who listen, laugh, and ask questions. As the tour goes on, the church’s stories become their stories; our shared history of God’s faithfulness.
New Member Orientation always concludes around the lunch table with Pastor Steve. As we tend the table together, we cultivate community among the family of God. During this lunch we model generosity of spirit, theological curiosity, and genuine vulnerability. These are the building blocks of a grace-filled faith family. During this lunch new members ask Pastor Steve anything they can think of concerning faith, theology, or the church. Here, as we tend the table, our new members know and are known.
Such opportunities to live into the pathway of discipleship at South Main are not limited to New Member Orientation. We are continually beckoned to fulfill our promise to one another as we learn from, give to, and receive from one another, by God’s grace. One upcoming opportunity to live into this promise is available during April for our Tend the Table emphasis. On April 27 we will have two simultaneous Men’s and Women’s fellowship events where we can connect, break bread together, and grow in friendship as the family of God in this place. Becoming God’s family is not simply for new members, this is the continuous call of God in all our lives. I hope you will join us as we tend the table and continue to grow as disciples together.