Standing in the kitchen after we finished breakfast, my brother and I waited for our mother to hand us our offering envelopes each Sunday morning. Next, we raced to the car to fight over the front seat! I always enjoyed putting my own envelope into the offering plate as a child, and I still have that same joy now knowing that our contributions added to those of others are used to help many people.
When we were first married, our finances were limited. It took a while for us to Get on Board and begin giving a small offering. Over time we began to realize God wanted us to step out in faith and trust Him to provide for our needs. At some point we agreed that we would make it a priority to tithe and also to give Over and Above to special offerings as we felt led by God. Time and time again God has proven to us that we could never outgive Him. God has given us more blessings than we could ever count!
One of my biggest blessings is the privilege to serve as a part of the Family Ministry teaching MainKids! One of my very favorite MainKid activities occurs during Little Church in a room designed to look like the Sanctuary complete with replicas of the beautiful stained glass. Just before the offering plate is passed, small wooden heart shaped tokens are passed out so each MainKid can begin to learn what a joy it is to SHARE their own contribution to the offering during WORSHIP.