Transforming Families

Published May 7, 2024 by JT Spoede
Missions Offering Spotlight – Operación San Andrés

The theme verse for Operación San Andrés (OSA) is from John 6, where Jesus performs the miracle of feeding a crowd of 5,000. When Jesus realized the crowd was hungry, He tested the disciples by asking how they were going to feed the multitudes. Philip answered, “It would take more than half a year’s wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!” Another of His disciples, Andrew, spoke up: “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” (John 6:8-9).

When faced with almost overwhelming need, Andrew started with what he had available to him even though he recognized it was insufficient to carry out the task. Andrew quickly saw that when the disciples turned over the little they had to Jesus, He was able to turn it into so much more. Not only were all the people fed but there was an abundance. God can use what you have to impact the people around you when you walk forward in obedience and love.

The ministry at OSA started out of the same heart shown by the disciple Andrew. The founders saw immense need and started with the little they had. Twenty-one years ago, the first medical campaign went to Collique, Peru, to love and care for people physically and spiritually. Fast forward 21 years, and God has taken the offerings and multiplied them into a thriving ministry. The mission of OSA is to alleviate the effects of poverty in Peru by transforming families through the love of Christ. This is achieved through ministries such as a school for children, a church to bring the hope of Christ to all, a women’s entrepreneurship program, more than 60 food kitchens, the beginnings of a community hydroponics garden, biannual medical mission trips, and so much more. You can see more here (

Jesus’ miracle of multiplication is only one side of the story. The gathered people were encouraged and transformed by witnessing Jesus in action, and they ended the meal thinking, “Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world.” In the same way, members of our SMBC family have been blessed and called to service through their life-changing time in Peru. Our youth take a capstone trip to Peru. I cannot count the number of young people who have experienced God, discerned a calling on their lives and vocation, and walked forward in obedience to that calling. My own daughter has started a journey of discovery and service to address community-based solutions to food insecurity because of her experiences in Peru. Ask around any Adult Bible Community on Sunday morning, and you will find numerous people with testimonies about the way OSA had impacted them or a loved one.  

The crazy and wonderful thing about God’s Kingdom is that, many times, things get turned upside down.  We go into a mission project believing we are going to serve, only to find that we are the ones receiving the rich blessings God gives to His children. This is the miracle of the transforming love of Jesus in the mission work that is available to all of us, through OSA and beyond. 

As we enter a season where we collect an offering for missions, would you be obedient to give your offering? Is it as small as the five loaves and two fish? God can take your offering and touch more lives than you can ever know.