Volunteer Spotlight on Wally Kronzer, Broadcast Ministry

Wally Kronzer
  1. When and why did you begin volunteering with the Broadcast Ministry?

I know it dates back to the 1990s, but I do not recall the exact year. I had been ushering for a number of years, but I was looking for a different way to participate in the services. I asked to help out with the broadcasts, and it all started with me on a floor camera.

  1. What’s your role in the Broadcast Ministry?

Beyond participating in broadcasts, my role includes (1) managing the broadcast crew schedule and (2) setting up graphics for the service webcast. The first task involves canvassing crew availability, aligning it with broadcast needs, and communicating assignments to the team. The second task involves taking service information and preparing slides for the broadcast.

  1. What is one of your favorite things about working with the Broadcast team?

The fact that it is a team. We have various roles, talents, and ages, but we share responsibility for the final product.

  1. What has changed in the Broadcast Ministry since you first began?

Wow, there have been so many changes. Church members may have noticed that the broadcast room has relocated three times during my tenure. The technology has also evolved, enabling us to deliver higher-quality broadcasts using multiple transmission options. Even the communication between the church staff and the Broadcast Team continues to evolve to adapt to new developments.

  1. How does working in the Broadcast Ministry serve the larger congregation?

A service has many component parts. The Broadcast Team is the part that allows the service to go beyond the walls as well as to be memorialized for future viewing and other uses.

Thank you, Wally, for your years of service in the Broadcast Ministry, helping to spread the worship of God far and wide.