Posted March 10, 2018 by SMBC in All Articles
By Jeanne Ludemann
Posted March 9, 2018 by SMBC in All Articles
By Thomas Coker
Three quotes immediately come to mind when I ponder this question:
?Be still and know that I am God?
?Open my eyes that I may see glimpses of truth you have for me?
?Trust and obey, for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus.?
Lenten Devotional: March 8
Posted March 8, 2018 by Jamie Negrete in Lent
I believe in God as much as there's fish in the sea and every line I cast is like every verse I read, growing that much closer to Him. Faith, not patience is what kept me on the shoreline.Raised in a single-parent home with three other siblings, required patience. My sisters, however, highly doubted I was the favorite, but one thing was for sure, my mother's faith in God. I look back now and…
Lenten Devotional: March 7
Posted March 7, 2018 by Kathy Bernal in Lent
When I was 15 years old, my parents divorced after 25 years of marriage. Despite having three children and building a life together, they had also built walls of bitterness and resentment between them that resulted in a very painful divorce. A couple who had spent 25 years together could no longer stand to be in the same room together. With my older brothers both grown and out of the house, it…
Posted March 5, 2018 by SMBC in All Articles
By Al Moore
My comments might better be entitled: ?How I Seek God? for I am not sure we ?find? God this side of eternity. I can and do feel a closeness to God at times, but I?m not sure that my earthbound mind can truly find God.
I seek God in a number of ways, but one of our (I say our because after 50 plus years of marriage to Cheryl that's how I think)…
Posted March 3, 2018 by SMBC in All Articles
By Linda Brupbacher
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3: 5&6
Lenten Devotional: March 2
Posted March 2, 2018 by Sarah Villaseñor in Lent
I can admit it, I am lazy about looking for God. What's worse is, he isn't very hard to find in the first place. I try to use lent as an opportunity to reflect and thank God for his faithfulness to me, despite my shortcomings. About a year ago, my dad had a week-long hospital stay. In that week we learned that dad has end-stage kidney disease patient (ESRD). His life and our lives were changed…
Lenten Devotional: March 1
Posted March 1, 2018 by Jane Jefferies in Lent
For me, growing up Baptist meant that Lent was something that happened in other churches. Most of my friends were hunting something to give up that would have as little impact as possible on their lives--like turnip greens. Now we talk of adding something instead of sacrificing something. Perhaps either of these can lead to a new relationship and understanding of God. When my son was in high…
Lenten Devotional: February 28
Posted February 28, 2018 by Ethan Gwaltney in Lent
When "I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing," and I feast in good health, he "stand[s] at the door and knock[s]," and waits for my invitation to enter. (Revelation 3) When I am poor, weak, and losing hope, and I quake under the weight of my sin, then is his "power made perfect" (2 Cor. 12) and he "restore[s] me to the joy of [his] salvation." (Psalm 51) When I am not poor, nor rich,…
Lenten Devotional: February 27
Posted February 27, 2018 by Jeanette Stokes in Lent
As a four-year-old in the "Sunbeam Choir", I remember loudly belting out the words to my favorite childhood hymn, "Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children, God is Love, God is Love". I recall memorizing my first Bible verse which tells us emphatically that "God is Love" (1 John 4:8). These early lessons have stayed with me. Now, many years later as a senior adult at South Main, I…
Posted February 26, 2018 by SMBC in All Articles
By Kyle Barsch
"You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all of your heart" Jeremiah 29:13
Lenten Devotional: February 24
Posted February 24, 2018 by Angie Fox in Lent
Unfortunately, my dad and I are currently estranged. This past Christmas I had reason to hope that we might be coming to a place to mend our relationship. Initially, things looked potentially promising. However, shortly after spending time with him, a couple of events happened that led to more strain in our relationship. Finally, at the beginning of this year, I received a hurtful letter from…
Lenten Devotional: February 23
Posted February 23, 2018 by Steve Rader in Lent
I find God when I prioritize my time, attention, and resources. As with any relationship, I find that I have to do my part. I have to intentionally make time in my life to serve, to pray, to study, and to worship. I have to be attentive by talking to God honestly... thankfully... and often. And... I have to listen! I have to "put my money where my mouth is" and give back to God first out of…
Posted February 22, 2018 by SMBC in All Articles
By Helen Hoover
Lenten Devotional: February 21
Posted February 21, 2018 by Brandon Wheeler in Lent
The noon of "heartache" is as old as the ages. Scholars of old and new have wrestled to define, trace, and heal the ubiquitous experience of physical ailments stemming from emotional grief. And heartache is the partner of love. Love has no limit in application or amplitude. Likewise, heartache is felt in an endless array of context and severity. The hymn "What Wondrous Love is This?" has…
Lenten Devotional: February 20
Posted February 20, 2018 by Shannon Dove in Lent
"How Do I Find God?" is an interesting question. And a sometimes troubling one for me. My whole life I have heard stories of how God revealed Himself to various friends and family members, sometimes in bold fashion, sometimes in quiet, personal ways. I don't have this kind of experience for myself. I have often prayed for guidance, for God to reveal where He is in a particular situation, and I…
Lenten Devotional: February 19
Posted February 19, 2018 by Byron Keeling in Lent
Sherri and I were in Washington, D.C., when we first learned that Hurricane Harvey had set its sights on Texas. We made it back to Houston on one of the last Southwest flights into Hobby before the airport closed for several days. By the evening of August 28, flood waters were lapping at the doors on all four sides of our home. I spent a sleepless night praying over and over again: "Please…
Lenten Devotional: February 17
Posted February 17, 2018 by Mark Gribble in Lent
How do I find God? These are five words that really make me nervous. It should be easy for us to find God in our lives, right? The all-powerful, omniscient being who spoke and created the universe shouldn't be that hard to find. There are tons of examples in the Bible where God clearly made his presence felt, so where's mine? Am I too busy with the daily grind to notice Him? I tend to find God…
Lenten Devotional: February 16
Posted February 16, 2018 by Claire Hein Blanton in Lent
Motherhood did not come easily for me. After patiently waiting and praying for years to have a baby, our sweet Jack's arrival brought less joy and more anxiety and sadness. I struggled with everything. Worst of all, I felt like there was no way I would ever bond with him. I cried with him because I had wanted this baby so badly but now that he was here, he felt foreign, like an object that had…
Lenten Devotional: February 15
Posted February 15, 2018 by Charles Williams in Lent
Being patient is difficult for me. When I have to wait on another to do their job or for an event to happen, I am anxious. I worry that nothing will be done or presented as it was promised to be. The realization that patience is a result of trust in a promise helped me to find patience with God. This is because God does not require His believers to be patient without a promise. God's promise…