Ever-Present Love

Posted December 3, 2018 by Garrett Hohmann in Advent

The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. — John 1:14


Posted December 2, 2018 by Phyllis Waggoner in Advent

In the fields in which they lived, the shepherds were once again tending their sheep, listening to the familiar bleating sounds their sheep made. As they watched their flock, an angel of the Lord appeared telling them, "Don't be afraid! We are bringing good news that will cause great joy for the entire world." As they told the shepherds of Christ's birth, suddenly beautiful, melodic sounds…

Advent 2018: Foreword

Posted December 1, 2018 by Steve Wells in Advent

Advent is the season in which we wait for—and then celebrate God's gift of Christ and of salvation. But waiting for Christmas morning is different for us than it was for those who awaited the Messiah in ancient times—they did not know when He would come. It's hard to put ourselves in the same mindset as they were when the day we celebrate Christ's coming is actually set on our calendar as…

Mission Focus: Sodzo International

Posted November 7, 2018 by Robbie Matteson in Missions

In September, a group from South Main went on a mission trip to Maua, Kenya, the home of our mission partner, Sodzo International. Many of the participants were first-timers with respect to this particular mission site and, as with any new adventure, they went with a certain picture in their heads of what might come. While we know that image is probably inaccurate, we step into that experience…

Family Ministry Focus: The 527 Tribe

Posted November 6, 2018 by Hannah Rollins in Family Ministry

The 527 Tribe is South Main's "tween" ministry. We are the fifth, sixth, and seventh graders who meet in what used to be the Activities Building. Greg Taylor, Ryan Lane, David Bernal, Cindy Hippel, Lynda McKnight, and Bobbye Kolter are our Sunday School teachers. We split our Sunday School classes into boys and girls, with the boys meeting on the recently converted stage in the gym and the…

All Saints' Day 2018

Posted November 1, 2018 by Steve Wells in Worship, Pastor

All Saints is a somber celebration. We take time to remember those saints whose lives have graced and shaped our own lives and the life of our church. We make space to grieve family members who have gone on to be with the Lord. We pause to remember the great grace of the Gospel spoken by Jesus to Martha by the soon-to-be-empty grave of Lazarus: "I am the resurrection and the life; whoever…

Family Ministry Focus: Tribe

Posted October 30, 2018 by Carey Cannon in Family Ministry

Navigating the transition into Middle School can be strenuous at best. The emotional and relational challenges coupled with an increase in academic demands are as heavy as the book-bags our sixth graders carry. On October 5 and 6, Janet and I loaded the car with Caroline to spend 24 hours at Camp Cho-yeh. There, we joined other families as we marked a significant life milestone—adolescence. We…

Family Ministry Focus: Youth

Posted October 28, 2018 by Brandyn Adney in Family Ministry

The word that characterizes the Youth Ministry at South Main is Mobilize. The students grow in their faith and proactively seek to follow Jesus in genuine discipleship as they prepare to make the transition into young adulthood. Each student is nurtured in their faith within the context of intentional relationships in a large group community, a smaller family group gathering, and on an…

A Look Ahead to the Class of 2029

Posted October 15, 2018 by Dolores Rader in Family Ministry

I invite you to look ahead with me to a Sunday morning on May 20th in the year 2029. It's 11:20 and the eleventh toll has just quieted the room to a hush. After a welcome, rousing hymn, and morning prayer, 28 seniors rise and come to the platform... We look over the group of young adults and think back to a similar Sunday in September of 2018, when these kids were just second graders and so…

Sabbatical Reflections by Susan Moore

Posted October 10, 2018 by SMBC in Discipleship

Minister of Administration for Communications is my title at South Main Baptist Church. I, along with my Communications Team, facilitate timely, accurate communication being provided and heard. On a good day, my job supports all other ministries. In addition to my title, my calling to the ministry is all about making connections....connections between congregants and staff, between…

Sodzo Update: Family Strengthening In Kenya

Posted September 28, 2018 by SMBC in Missions

Our recent Kenya adventures led us to the villages of Linjoka, Tiira, and Gekka to hear first hand the stories of success with the family strengthening programs that have begun in these rural villages. The value of the family strengthening program is that it is a prevention method to help keep boys from going to the streets. We learned about the value of table lending, otherwise known as an…

Sodzo Update: Seeing Promise in Kenya

Posted September 11, 2018 by SMBC in Missions

What a difference a year makes in the lives of the Children of Promise at the Watoto Wa Ahadi Rescue Center. The first group of boys have been successfully integrated back into their families, and a new set of boys are now having their lives changed for the best. We visited the farm last month, and saw firsthand how the Rescue Center is positively changing their lives. Each boy is part of a…

Hello, Dolly! Reflections

Posted August 25, 2018 by Carey Cannon in Music, Discipleship

Before I gave the conductor's score one last glance, I turned around to catch a glimpse of who had shown for that evening's performance—and I saw something. I saw two couples sitting next to each other, the Mooneys, longtime members of South Main who now live out of town and the Perrys, who have joined South Main in recent years. They shook hands and began chatting it up. Two couples who didn'…

Alleluia for the Acts

Posted July 19, 2018 by Andrea Hoxie in Worship, Music

Thank you, Andrea Hoxie for the gift of this song to our congregation!

My 527 Tribe Shaw Mission Trip Experience

Posted July 11, 2018 by Kate Arenas in Family Ministry, Missions

I never thought my parents would let me go to Mississippi by myself. But they did and I'm glad they let me go! I learned a lot from the work and people I met in Shaw. When I first got on the bus, I wasn't too excited. I knew it would be a long drive. It turned out to be very fun! When we reached Mississippi, we stopped for dinner in Vicksburg. The food was good, and we were welcomed. Then…

5 Years

Posted June 20, 2018 by Carey Cannon in Worship, Music

In many ministry circles that's an average stint. At South Main, however, it's only a drop in the bucket, as both of my predecessors Thomas Coker and Thad Roberts combined served almost 60 years. What this 5-year recognition offers is a moment to think back to what we've experienced together. We saw the building and installation of a new organ and renovation of a gorgeous Sanctuary building. We…

South Main Summer 2018 Reading List

Posted June 5, 2018 by SMBC in Discipleship, Pastor

Are you looking for some enriching reading for the summer? South Main's Discipleship Committee has polled our ministers and some fellow congregants to collect this terrific list of books for the upcoming vacation season. You'll find all sorts of picks from the spiritually edifying and deeply educational to the pleasantly amusing and simply entertaining. We hope you'll grab a few of these…

A Tribute to South Main from Steve Scott

Posted May 30, 2018 by SMBC in All Articles

I first walked through the doors at South Main 29 years ago this fall. 18 years old, just a few weeks into my freshman year at Rice, I walked up to the third floor of the Loessner building, where the church offices are now - then education space: painted concrete block walls, tile floors - and into Toni Richerson's Sunday freshman-sophomore Sunday School class.

Sodzo Update: The Horizon is Lifting in Kenya

Posted April 27, 2018 by SMBC in Missions

In April of 2016 thirty-four boys, ages 7-13, who had been orphaned and living on the streets of Kenya moved to the rescue center established by one of South Main Baptist Church's missions partner Sodzo International. The rescue center is called Watoto wa Ahadi Rescue Center which translates to The Children of Promise Rescue Center. While we don't always know what the future will hold we do…

Family Ministry Spotlight: Youth

Posted April 26, 2018 by Nathan Benesh in Family Ministry

We are grateful for the faithfulness and openness of Family Group Leaders, amazing small group leaders who teach, listen, mentor, and love on our 8th-12th graders in the Youth Center every Sunday. In this installment of our "Meet The Family Ministry Volunteer Team" series, Nathan Benesh shares what makes being a Family Group leader so special.