Family Ministry Spotlight: The 527 Tribe

Posted April 25, 2018 by Cindy Hippel in Family Ministry

The Sunday School teachers for the boys and girls of The 527 Tribe are intentional about figuring out exactly what our 5th-7th graders need intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually during this time in their lives. In this installment of our "Meet The Family Ministry Volunteer Team" series, Cindy Hippel shares why she feels so privileged to teach our Tribe girls Sunday School class.

Family Ministry Spotlight: MainKids

Posted April 24, 2018 by Ginger and Jerry Hamilton in Family Ministry

First through fourth graders have an intense need to engage in the church and the word of God. Our wonderful MainKids Sunday school small group teachers do that not just on Sundays, but also on the other days of the week attending the children's various activities and events. These teachers work throughout the week to strive to help our children build a lasting and authentic faith in Christ.…

SMBC is WILD about Families!

Posted April 22, 2018 by Heather Ballard in Family Ministry

South Main planned a retreat to The WILD at Carolina Creek, a resort located on the Trinity River not too far from Huntsville, Texas. This was a beautiful place for our families and kids to gather. Each cabin is themed with the huge 20 foot face of an animal on front and Noah's Ark gym in the middle of it all. We stayed in the Bear cabin. The cabin was complete with bunk beds—the kids…

Lenten Devotional: March 30

Posted March 30, 2018 by Linda Gardner in Lent

I still remember the first time I entered the South Main sanctuary on a Sunday morning about 35 years ago. I was in awe of the beauty and grandeur, and the worship experience touched me. This was followed by warm interactions with ministers and others, and Spencer and I soon felt right at home in this special place.

Lenten Devotional: March 29

Posted March 29, 2018 by Robert Jeffries in Lent

Finding God in the chaos of life often feels daunting and out of reach. Some days I feel God close to me, but more often I have to seek out the connection I desire. Over the years I have found that leaving myself subtle reminders of God's grace and love help me find God where I am. Whether it's the weekly Bible verse on my desk at work, or the words of God's love on my morning coffee mug,…

Lenten Devotional: March 28

Posted March 28, 2018 by Margie Ehlers in Lent

When I looked up the word "find" in the dictionary, I discovered that this word has six definitions. Of the listed meanings, the one I mostly associate with "find" is to locate or recover something that has been lost or misplaced. Honestly, I don't have the greatest fondness for searching for things: the shoe that has been shoved under the bed when we need to be walking out of the door, the…

Lenten Devotional: March 27

Posted March 27, 2018 by Kristy Wade-Carroll in Lent

Are you waiting for God to do something in your life? Scripture is full of God's promises. We read and hear them, and sometimes wonder, "How long do I have to wait, God, for you to act?" I encourage you to read the book of Habakkuk this Lenten season. The prophet asks that very question. The answer he gets is not what anyone wants to hear.

Lenten Devotional: March 26

Posted March 26, 2018 by Greg Funderburk in Lent

...when you least expect it. God finds me more readily than it can be said I find God. Having said that, I feel God's spirit sometimes ripple through my heart with a fleeting, yet very real sense of presence when I least expect it. It might occur in a crowded theater during a movie or play, listening to music while running in a steady rhythm on an afternoon jog, in front of a remarkable…

Lenten Devotional: March 24

Posted March 24, 2018 by Cleavy McKnight in Lent

One way I find God is through music—especially classical choral orchestral music. My first such experience was with Brahms' A German Requiem at Westbury Baptist Church, when I was in high school. 

Lenten Devotional: March 23

Posted March 23, 2018 by Anne Tülek in Lent

Finding God can come at the most unusual of times. I have a lifetime history of undiagnosed Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Any readers who were also my childhood Sunday School teachers are shaking your heads, thinking about how obvious this was to you 40 years ago. It's OK.

Along with this condition come some life-enriching features: 

Lenten Devotional: March 22

Posted March 22, 2018 by JD Walther in Lent

The Mother Teresa quote "If you can't feed a hundred people, feed just one..." is written in bold letters on the upstairs wall of the Houston Food Bank. It has been attributed as a call to feed people, but I think she also had another meaning in mind. In John 6:32-33 Jesus said, "Very truly I tell you, it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you…

Lenten Devotional: March 21

Posted March 21, 2018 by Larissa Fletcher in Lent

The hardest time in my life was between my husband's terminal cancer diagnosis and his death seven months later. During these seven months I cried out to God daily. Ironically the sermon topic two days after his diagnosis was on "not my will, but yours be done." I wasn't ready to say those words yet. In those first few months I prayed for God to spare my husband's life—I honestly wasn't…

Lenten Devotional: March 20

Posted March 20, 2018 by J Hill in Lent

I'm the sort of guy who consistently has a bump, bruise, cut, or burn somewhere on me at all times. Yep, I'm a little clumsy. Mind you I have my moments of being graceful, fluid brilliance—most of them are in my head, well hidden from the rest of the world. That confession extends to my faith life as well. I wish I could say it's always an elegant dance, but it just isn't. For that reason…

Lenten Devotional: March 19

Posted March 19, 2018 by Bobbye Lott in Lent

Throughout the Bible are many instances where God was revealed to individuals. One of my favorites is told in 1 Kings 19. Elijah, a powerful prophet, was afraid and depressed. He went out into the desert alone, wanting to die. An angel came to him in a vision with instructions to go up on Mt. Sinai to wait for the Lord. There was a powerful wind, an earthquake, and a fire—all revealing the…


Posted March 17, 2018 by SMBC in All Articles

By Katy Rudisill

Lenten Devotional: March 16

Posted March 16, 2018 by Drew Philpot in Lent

One thing that always leads me to find God is seeing Christ-like behavior from my non-Christian friends. It can come in many different forms, such as sharing words of wisdom, showing love to someone who is hurting, or forgiving a past transgression. They become the visible representation of God to me.

Lenten Devotional: March 15

Posted March 15, 2018 by Andrea Hoxie in Lent

On the 6th day of April 1996, I awoke with a "hitch" in my right hip. I thought I must have bursitis or some other malady of my mother's as I tend to get "whatever Mom has" but 15-20 years earlier in my life than Mom. Each day brought on more pain and discomfort until by the end of the following week the entire right side of my body was useless. I was diagnosed with a condition that was…

Lenten Devotional: March 14

Posted March 14, 2018 by Michael Raimer-Goodman in Lent

"God, where are you in these children's lives? I know you are loving, and I know you are powerful—but these children are suffering. Where are you?" The first time I prayed seeking God's presence amid sorrow was in East Saint Louis, Illinois, during the summer after my sophomore year of college. The young children I loved during the day went home to empty pantries, sometimes empty houses, and…

Lenten Devotional: March 13

Posted March 13, 2018 by Lauren Engle in Lent

In all honesty, until my mid-twenties, God was always something easy for me to "find." I grew up with a family whose priorities were always God and our church family before all else. My grandpa founded the church I grew up in, and the first week of college I found the perfect church for me away from home. My church family was always something that was there and a constant reminder of God in my…


Posted March 12, 2018 by SMBC in All Articles

By Seth Humble